Batman: Arkham Knight is one of the most anticipated games of the year, yet its release has been met with a tide of social media scorn as many PC players find significant issues with performance. It turns out that the developer, Rocksteady, worked with an external development partner for the PC port of the title, and it’s now working with it to fix the issues.
That hasn’t stopped people from taking to social media to criticise the developer, or to Steam and Amazon to leave negative reviews of the game.
“Some players had expected issues after Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment adjusted its system requirements, leaving with it a warning about AMD compatibility problems.”
Arkham Knight is trending, and it’s not for the right reasons.
Is there anything the developer could have done to prevent this situation? How should they handle it now?
Most gamers realise that new titles often experience glitches at launch, some of which aren’t patched until months later, but significant performance issues are different. Fans that have eagerly anticipated a game for months, and have paid a good chunk of money to play the game, find themselves unable to do so because software issues make the game unplayable.
It’s great when publishers release a game across multiple platforms, allowing as many people to enjoy it as possible, but should a game be released for a platform if it’s just regarded as an added extra? Shouldn’t the product get the same love and attention on PC as it gets on PS4, and vice versa?
This isn’t a new issue, and it will more than likely happen again, but it will be interesting to see how Warner Brothers and Rocksteady handle the current controversy.